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Location: Workshops take place in Nailsworth or Cirencester, Gloucestershire.  Alternatively you can book a private session in your own home.  

Cost: The two day workshop is £190 per couple and runs from 9:30am till 5pm. You are able to attend either one day or two, but we recommend you come to both.

Private session: If you would like to book a private workshop please get in touch. These cost £150 per day.

  • Natural ways to manage pain in child birth
  • Self-hypnosis skills to overcome fear and increase your confidence and trust in your ability to give birth
  • Effective breathing and deep relaxation techniques
  • How fear or anxiety have a negative impact on your body during birth and how to reduce them
  • Ways in which your birth partner can help you achieve a deeply relaxed state


  • Practical techniques to help you stay calm and relaxed during birth, including massage, use of a birth ball and different birth positions

  • How your body works  during labour and what you can do to help it

  • Practical tools and techniques for your partner to keep you calm and relaxed and to ease discomfort during birth

  • How your emotions change during labour and the signs to look out for

  • Effective ways to work with the medical team supporting you

Workshop 1 - Natural pain management for birth

Workshop 2 - Practical birth preparation

Natal Hypnotherapy Workshops



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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​t : 07825 642496

effective birth preparation


     Eliza Guerrini

Natal Hypnotherapist / Occupational Therapist

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​t : 07825 642496

Natal Hypnotherapy Gloucestershire & Birth Workshops Gloucestershire

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